WiFi Extenders developed with the latest technique to meet the requirements of the users. They mainly work to extend the range of the current network and they have critical improvements over the WiFi repeaters. They use the "Backhaul" technique that helps to extend the signal without using any wireless bandwidth. They also use this technique by connecting the router end of the extender to the extender module over a wire. However, after knowing theTP-Link extender setup, it is quite easy to use the WiFi with extended range and there is no need to use any wire for it.
Here are the steps to follow for setting up TP-Link Extender Setup:
Before starting up the TP-Link extender setup process, it is important to collect the information on the current router. Router IP address, WiFi SSID, and which type of encryption has been used are important to know. It is also important to know the router and extender password to access the network.
Extender Password
How to Login to My TP-Link Extender:
TP-Link extender setup first user has to log into the router. To do this, open the browser and type the IP address on the address bar. Most of the time it is or can be something else. If you don't know your IP address, you have to open the computer network tab and click on the wireless network and select the "Properties" option. Scroll down now and you can find your IP address listed next to "IPv4".
Now access the wireless part of the router's GUI and note the details including router IP address, SSID, encryption method, and network password.
Login to the router now.
If the router doesn’t respond to the above IP address then you have to use a different IP address for this cause.
To know the router IP address, you have to follow the steps below.
Right-click on the Windows taskbar and select the Task Manager
Select File – New Task – Check the Run as Admin box
Type CMD into the box open to a command line box.
Type ‘ipconfig/all’ into the CMD box and press Enter
Look at the Default Gateway and this is your router IP address.
Now connect it with your PC with an Ethernet cable.
Open the browser on the computer and open https://www.wifiextenderhub.com/ If this address doesn’t work, then type TP-Link webpage will appear and this is the initial stage for TP-Link extender setup.
Select Quick Setup and press “Next”
Select the region and hit “Next”
Now the TP-Link extender will scan for the wireless networks available. It probably takes few minutes depending on how many networks available around the system.
Select the wireless network from the list and press “Next”
Enter the wireless password when needed.
If you want a single larger wireless network then select the “Copy from the main router”.
Now hit on next.
Check again the network settings in the final window and select the “Finish” if all these things are correct.
The TP-Link extender will reboot and allow access to the internet. You can test it first with the Ethernet cable and then start it using wireless. An WiFi extender password is needed when you connect other devices to the extender.